Extra Bits

The Late Show
Gary Jennison delivers comedy like a toddler with a Tommy gun, fast with
unbridled chaos.
He’ll be bringing his unsupervised fast paced comedy which the audience can try
and steer with suggestions and participation, Gary is also joined by special guests
jumping on to calm things down, or not!
Expect observations with a twist, with surreal energy and unrivaled enthusiasm –
all for your entertainment. 2023 sell out show. It’s like a party for Gary by Gary with
added Gary. He always has fun and you will too!.
Saturday 15th June.
10pm. East Hastings Angling Club
Tickets £10 online/ £12.50 on the door

Join our Hastings Comedy Festival afternoon Open mic
session downstairs at the Ye Olde Pump house, Hosted by a
member of our fantastic comedy community, Sign up on the
day and have a 5-7 min slot booked to jump on to,
open to all abilities of stand up and comedic voices.
Event starts at 2pm and will finish at 4pm with breaks in between.
This event is Free entry
Saturday 15th June. 2:00pm. Ye Olde Pump House

Secret Show
Shhhhhhh.... Each year we save a show slot as
someone always reaches out to do a last min drop in to the festival
for a pro comedian tour preview or work in progress show.
Well it’s Back! Who could it be this year?
What we do know is, you don’t want to miss this! .
Sunday 16th June. 4pm.
SugarPie HoneyBuns.
Tickets £7.50 online/ £9 on the door if available